
Summer School

Our M.Sc.(SCM) and M.Sc.(ISE) students participated in this year’s summer school programme at School of Management, FH OÖ Campus Steyr, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria. They were accompanied by Dr Robert de Souza, TLI-AP’s Executive Director and Prof Tan Kok Choon, Director (Degree Education). 11 – 22 June 2018, Austria. 25 – 29 June …

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LogiSYM Singapore 2018

Dr. Sunil Tiwari, Research Fellow, TLI-AP, was one of the panelist on “Supply chains and the circular economy – ensuring business and environmental viability for the long term” 15 May 2018, Singapore

The AnyLogic Company Conference 2018

Dr Robert de Souza, Executive Director, TLI-AP, spoke on “anyLogistix Case Studies (Commercial & Humanitarian Logistics)” at The Anylogic Company Conference 2018 in Baltimore, MD, USA. 18 April 2018

InnovPLUS Challenge 2018

TLIAP as the Lead Partner of Challenge Team #09, emerged as the sole and overall winner of the FLAME 2018 award at the InnovPLUS Challenge 2018 organised by iN.LAB. 17 April 2018