Press release: THINK IT launch
The Institute of Systems Science (ISS) and The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific (TLI - Asia Pacific), both of the National University of Singapore have embarked on a joint initiative to develop a THINK IT programme. The programme, which is an extension of the THINK Executive programme, serves as a platform to discuss IT related optimisations and innovations for the future of supply chain, to anaalyse and discover the relevant variables, IT-based structure, interdependencies and logic of complex supply chain systems. Both Institutes will contribute their expertise and the necessary resources for related research and other activities.
The THINK IT programme targets high level business and IT executives in logistics and supply chain industry as well as related businesses like IT companies, consultants and government agencies.

This programme is advised and guided by a Steering Committee chaired by BG (NS) Pang Hee Hon, Chief Executive Officer of Keppel T & T. Other committee members include Dr Robert de Souza, Executive Director of TLI - Asia Pacific and Mr Lim Swee Cheang, Director/CEO of ISS and representatives from the manufacturing, logistics, IT industries, as well as consultancy and government agencies.

Two THINK IT meetings are expected to be held annually, which will take place in conjunction with the regular THINK Executive summits in March and September. For every summit, both ISS and TLI - Asia Pacific will jointly perform dedicated research. The current three important research topics identified are:
- Business Analytics
- IT for Green
- Cloud computing for Supply Chain Management.